Fox 13 Good Morning Memphis 'Project Single Moms' 3/01/11

How does single parenthood impact the brain development of young children?

Starting with conception, children of single parents face more health risks than other babies. These include maternal prenatal smoking, low birth weight and poverty. In Tennessee, consistent with national trends, infants born to unwed moms have an infant mortality rate that is twice that of infants born to married moms. Research shows that they are also more likely to have academic, emotional and behavioral problems.

What Is Project Single Moms of Memphis?

On February 12, 2011, Project Single Moms of Memphis was launched as part of a national movement for single moms. Project Single Moms is an advocacy and empowerment movement mobilizing single moms to become the change they desire in their lives. Project Single Moms creates opportunities to strengthen and enhance the quality of life for single moms and their families.

PSM objectives include:

  1. Empowering single moms to pursue their dreams and passions of obtaining homeownership and starting businesses
  2. Educating single moms by identifying and creating opportunieis to further advance their education
  3. Energizing single moms by encouraging pursuit of healthier lifestyles for themselves and their children and more!

For more information, visit or contact Nicole Gates at 901-281-0603.