8 Ways to Help Shelby County Kids

The Urban Child Institute’s new book, Off to a Good Start: Social and Emotional Development of Memphis’ Children, produced in partnership with the Rand Corporation, puts the issues facing our children today under a magnifying glass.

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The book collects the most up to date information available on children in Memphis and Shelby County and puts it in the hands of those capable of doing the most with it: the young professionals of Memphis and its surrounding communities.

While the book is loaded with useful charts and accurate figures examining the issues that can hinder children’s development (like poverty, neighborhood blight, and inadequate early education programs), it’s also full of action items that can help aspiring activists make a positive impact.

Below, we look at a few of the risk factors faced by Memphis children, and share some of the book’s ideas about how to make a difference. For more information about issues facing Shelby County kids, and more ways to help, read the full report.

Children Living in Poverty

  1. Your time, talent, and resources are invaluable. Offer to help at one of the many nonprofits that offer services aimed at improving the well- being of Memphis and Shelby County kids and families.
  2. Think about place: Memphis neighborhoods are as unique as they are numerous. Think about where your efforts can have the biggest impact when planning where and how to volunteer.
  3. Get your friends, your neighborhood association, or your religious group invested in your goal. Encourage them to join you in your efforts, from fundraising to volunteering.

Children of Undereducated Parents

  1. Teach: Become a tutor or mentor. School and library literacy programs around Shelby County always welcome new volunteers.
  2. Spread the word: staying in school, graduating, and pursuing further education is smart in the long run. Tell everyone, always.
  3. Consider whether there is room at your organization for new mothers pursuing educational opportunities, and offer them flexible hours.

Parental Stress and Depression

  1. If someone you know appears sad or withdrawn for a long period of time, and it appears to affect work or home life, encourage him or her to seek help from a professional.
  2. Educate parents about the link between their emotional and mental health and their child’s development and wellbeing.

When all of Memphis and Shelby County’s children reach their full potential, our community will realize its own.