ZERO TO THREE's Fascinating Baby Brain Map

For new parents, there is nothing more important, or complicated, than deciphering the inner workings of their baby’s mind. Surrounded by a multitude of stimuli, the reasons behind a child’s actions and reactions can sometimes be incredibly difficult to discern. Why is he crying? Would she respond well to a colorful toy? Why does my baby seem so frustrated?

Developers at Zero-To-Three feature an interactive model that allows parents to track development of their child’s brain from the prenatal stage to three years. By selecting an age range, users are able to highlight specific areas of a three-dimensional model. With a simple click, the page displays key milestones that parents can expect in their child’s development. The page even includes tips to help guide parents through their child’s maturation. The Baby Brain Map is an invaluable tool for gaining insight into the mind of an infant!

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