Modest Teaching Change in Preschool Leads to Big Boost in Reading Skills!

The ability to read is generally regarded as the most fundamental skill an adult can possess. It is, therefore, no surprise that many school programs focus on developing a child’s reading comprehension. Research has shown that the earlier a child is exposed to words and language, the better prepared he or she will be for school success in the future. Even before preschool, children are being engaged with words through story times with parents and caregivers.

An exciting new study has revealed, for the first time, how a minor tweak to a teacher’s routine can greatly improve their student’s reading abilities. According to Shayne Piasta, co-author of the study and assistant professor of teaching and learning at Ohio State University, preschool teachers who pointed out words and letters during story time had students who benefited for years to come. "Using print references during reading was just a slight tweak to what teachers were already doing in the classroom, but it led to a sizeable improvement in reading for kids," Piasta stated. The most encouraging aspect about the finding is that the change teachers would have to make would be minor. "This would be a very manageable change for most preschool teachers, who already are doing storybook reading in class."

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